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Optimis client stories | Optimis
Optimis client stories | Optimis
client stories
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Client Stories

Optimis works with customers in a variety of industries ranging from consumer goods and high technology to banking and manufacturing, as well public sector organisations such as UN agencies. We know that a generic system can’t support the special needs and requirements of these different organisations. That’s why Optimis is designed to make each customer’s experience uniquely their own, no matter their sector.

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Testimonials From Key Clients

  • May 2016 | HR Transformation programme including...
  • HR learning services
    October 2014 | Mobility Optimizer to manage international...
  • April 2014 | Staff Mobility policy for a humanitarian...
  • December 2013 | Culture Change - Staff Mobility
  • November 2013 | LEAN operations for Excellence and efficiency
  • September 2013 | Building cross-functional business platform teams
  • September 2012 | Network-hunting: New HR leaders in no time...
  • July 2012 | Driving culture change
  • June 2012 | Fostering Innovation
  • March 2012 | Redefining Performance Management scope
  • February 2012 | Aligning Individual and Team Performance with...
  • October 2011 | Building x-functional teams
  • June 2011 | A Performance Management programme for a global...
  • HR learning services
    February 2011 | A Master Facilitation programme for an HR team at...
  • October 2010 | A full Employee Engagement process for Side
  • Talent selection
    September 2010 | Retaining technical talent at a global pharma...
  • October 2009 | Building cross-divisional teams