"Facing large changes and an important evolution of business volume, our Bank chose to anticipate the challenges and after starting developing a new organisation, we have required the services of Optimis.
Significant work has been carried out by Optimis first and foremost for training in management and leadership of the members of the Board of the Bank. Four core competences and 6 leadership capabilities were defined. The next step was training in management and leadership for our managers, including coaching. We also developed, with the help of Optimis, a new system of performance management process. A staff satisfaction survey was conducted by Optimis, allowing the Board of Directors and branch to focus and address the 3 most important revealed shortcomings. Today, the MBO concept is tested by the branch and managers with a specific behavior oriented training given by Optimis which increased our performance. Optimis provides coaching to our Managers, enabling them to understand the management and leadership challenges related to their function. A "senior" level team building course was developed by Optimis, allowing an exciting start to new challenges.
We can say with great satisfaction that the cooperation with Optimis proved to be intense and fruitful. Thanks to Optimis interventions, our institution and our executive team could pass through this period of change successfully and are fully prepared to face future challenges." Eric Loup
Président de la Direction
Banque Raiffeisen du Gros-de-Vaud
Eric Loup