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Peoply Analytics Solution | Optimis
Peoply Analytics Solution | Optimis
People Analytics, HR Analytics, Data Management
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People Analytics

Our HR & Workforce Metrics Solution brings a cutting edge perspective to measuring HR contribution to the success of the organisation. We work with you to define human capital metrics that clearly demonstrate the added value of non-financial activities to organizational performance. This is where HR leaders often lack hands-on information directly available to top leaders….we help you provide this.


Innovation, Engagement, Performance, Turnover, Tenure, Leadership index, Motivation index….


and many other metrics which are reflective of the organisation’s success, and split by talent group, regions, function or any demographic category you need!


We can help you get and distribute this information!

People Analytics

Our solution includes:


  • Identification of strategic HR performance drivers
  • Definition of appropriate HR & Workforce metrics
  • Metrics analysis (all kind, statistical methods, regression, correlations to other organisational Key Performance Indicators etc…)
  • Process definition and application on acquiring (using existing HRIS sources, surveys etc.) and distributing the metrics
  • Design of the appropriate dashboard for follow-up by stakeholders
  • Implementation of the required tool
  • Training of selected internal analysts and stakeholders
  • Maintenance of the dashboard as required


Contact us for more information on our HR & Workforce metrics solution.


Please contact us if you are interested to know more…..

Contact Us