Diagnostic to identify priorities
To continuously improve performance, a rigorous diagnostic process is a necessary step to undertand what works well and less well. This helps to determine the priorities for organisational development and increased performance.
We specialise in diagnostic methods and tools, and propose solutions at three levels:
Organisational level
We audit organisations using our custom surveys, focus groups or by interviewing stakeholders. This allows us to report the prioriites and to generate internal benchmarks as appropriate. Our models and indexes include, among others:
Employee Engagement / Motivation
Pulse surveys
Leadership impact
Employee well-being
Organisational alignment
Customer orientation
Organisational / local culture
Social climate
Organisation diagnostics and improvement process for Employee Engagement
Team level
We assess teams’ cohesion and performance using specific assessment tools that highlight complementarities of team members. The identified priorities are used in our Building High Performing Team programmes. These interventions can be designed for functional, cross-functional and virtual teams, as well as teams focused on innovation or other cross-cutting strategic priorities.
Contact us for more information on our capabilities related to Organisation diagnostics.
Individual level
Our individual assessment instruments are used in our Assessment Development Centers (ADC’s) and as a base for our executive coaching programmes. They include personality, emotional intelligence, skill-based and behavioural-based instruments.
We offer the MyCompass 360, the Optimis designed 360 tool and process based on recognized models that lead the industry. We are also certified to use 360 instruments from renowned companies like Lominger and the Center for Creative Leadership (CCL). Whatever your need, we can provide a custom approach to deliver results.
Please contact us if you are interested to know more…..
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