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February 2011 | A Master Facilitation programme for an HR team at… | Optimis
February 2011 | A Master Facilitation programme for an HR team at… | Optimis
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February 2011 | A Master Facilitation programme for an HR team at…

HR learning services

02 Nov February 2011 | A Master Facilitation programme for an HR team at…

Optimis delivered its Mastering Facilitation programme to the HR team of Tetra Pak CAR (Central Asia and Russia)

The Tetra Pak CAR (Central Asian Region, including Russia, Ukraine and Kazakstan) HR Team is very dynamic and has many challenges due to high business growth in the region. It was thought to be critical that HR business partners have the ability to handle workshops and meetings with senior management to find the best solutions to pressing human capital issues. Specifically, the HR business partners needed to be able to clearly communicate the business case behind their recommendations and to facilitate the decision process with the senior team. Of particular importance was the development of a well crafted talent management strategy to support the strong business growth. They asked Optimis to provide an experiential learning programme to improve the facliitation skills.


Optimis delivered a customised 2.5 day Mastering Facilitation programme to the HR team of Tetra Pak CAR (Central Asia and Russia). The programme was designed to create an interactive learning environment where participants could apply facilitation skills to generic and real examples. The programme included:

– Basic facilitation types and techniques
– Advance application to current challenges
– Application of a practical toolbox, illustration and practice
– Real (and critical) situations simulation, role-plays from participants
– Faclitation games during evening session
– Video shots to stimulate reflection, feedback and skill development
– Custom workshop process definition and commitment for the future

The programme was focused on active participation. A team and individual follow-up plan was produced to ensure that the tools and behaviours practiced during the programme were thoroughly implemented by all team members.


The programme generated the desired results and senior management was pleased with the subsequent progress in the development of the talent management strategy and in the “professional” manner that other HR topics were being handled, especially regarding the work on Employee Engagement. Participant feedback on the training workshop was also very positive. They commented on the effectiveness of the simulated meetings and the critical situation handling role-plays. They also appreciated the video feedback where they could gain additional insight into how best to tackle the tough issues in a serious way. Participants expressed a strong commitment to bring their new skills into daily application.

Feedback from the Head of HR of the region:

Thank you for the Facilitation Training event, which you have conducted with my team earlier this year. It came on right time and at excellent delivery level. The knowledgeand experience which you have shared is really helping the team at the moment – they are facilitating the Focus Teams of Employee Engagement (EE) with increased expertise. We find this experience very relevant in order to drive our EE process in the most effective way and to facilitate other meetings. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend it for other clusters. Indeed, I mentioned this session to the head of HR last week. a lot and looking forward for new opportunities to learn from Optimis.

Kind regards, Elena Naroznikova, Cluster Leader Human Resources

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