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Talent assessement & development Centers (ADC) | Optimis
Talent assessement & development Centers (ADC) | Optimis
Talent assessement & development Centers (ADC)
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Assessment & Development Centers

Assessement & Development Centers (ADC) provide the best solution to uncover the potential of your internal talents. With a mix of assessment tools, the candidate goes through a series of exercises with the assessor(s) and demonstrates skills and behaviours that are evaluated against the required performance standards.


Our tools include psychometric tests, behavioural exercises (role plays, team work,…), aptitude exercises (case study, in baskets, stress management,….), knowledge-based tests (language, technical,…) and are run by experienced


Optimis assessors together with your line managers if required. We can run small to extensive ADCs (1/2 day to 2 days) for top or middle managers.Our assessors are certified assessors and are chosen depending on the executive (candidate) level and role.

Our Assessement & Development Centers are different and create significant value for the following reasons:


  • Use of a toolbox of more than 30 toolsCustomised approach: each ADC           responds to its purpose
  • Individual or Team ADC: team ADC are  great to check the interaction between team  members
  • Involvment (or not) of the clients’ manager  in the ADC: the line manager can be trained  as co-assessorLicensing of ADC methods for future  internal useADC outcome (report + interpretation)  integrates the development plan of the  candidate with a coaching session

Do you need to assess one or many of your talents? Do you want to setup and implement an internal ADC process?


Contact us and we will discuss with you the right ADC platform for your success.

Talent assessement & development Centers (ADC)

Please contact us if you are interested to know more…..

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